Wednesday, January 7, 2009

cockroach dissection

This is probably one of the most funniest and memorable incidents of my life. When the incident actually happened to me it was a serious matter but now when i think of it i start laughing .

This incident happened when i was in my 12th std. I had taken up science as my stream in the 11th std. From the time i have come into existence in this world i hv hated cockroaches from the bottom of my heart. I have always been scared of insects and specifically super scared of cockroaches. We had cockroach dissection in our syllabus in the 12thstd. When i came to know about this i was terrified. I cudnt manage to see a cockroach 4 feet away how on earth will i be able to dissect it ?? there was no chance of me dissecting the cockroach . I was just praying to god that some magic should happen and the university should scrap cockroach dissection from our syllabus . but nothing of that kind happened.

Then finally the D day had cum . Our practicals were at 11.30 am. I was praying that sumthing shud happen to me or i shud fall sick or there shud be so much traffic that i get really late or the pracs shud get cancelled or it shud b a public leave or it shud rain so heavily that our pracs get cancelled but my luck dint favour me on that day and nothing of that sort really happened. I had no option left but to go for my pracs. I reached college at 11.15 . then we finally entered the laboratory. The dead cockroaches were kept one on each plate for every student on a big table. My luck was so bad that i cudnt even do it with sumone i had to do it all alone. We all sat in front of one dead cockroach. I was getting really scared to sit in front of the cockroach. But finally my friends they told me that nothing will happen and made me sit. then after sum 10 min. our mam called us in front to show us how to dissect the cockroach i had to go. i thought that they will be providing us with gloves and that we will have to dissect the cockroach with foreceps .but i soon realised that cudnt do it that way. Our mam took one cockroach in hand and started dissecting it slowly. I almost felt like puking out when she was dissecting. How can sumone hold a cockroach in hand and moreover dissect it??? I was feeling even worse by the thought that even i will have to do the same. I saw how mam dissected it and then we all went back to out places and i sat in front of the cockroach. I started feeling very creepy. I requested people near me to do the dissection for me .They helped me out a little but cant blame them they had to finish their work also. I was just sitting dumbstruck and scared in front of the cockroach . I made many attempts to touch it but i cudnt. Unluckily the mam whom we got for my batch was very strict and heartless. I requested her so many times if i cud not do the dissection but she dint agree. I was praying that those 2 hrs pass really fast and i get out of that hell. Every second became a terror for me . Some guys who were sitting in front of me started scaring me all the more saying that the cockroach will start flying now such idiots! Rather than helping me out they were scaring me all the more. Then finally after sum time you wont believe but i started crying . I was feeling as if i was put in jail and was forced to do the work . i cudnt go out neither cud i do the dissection . I'm not exaggerating but i cried so badly in the lab that day. I have never in my life cried in public and i hate it but i dont know wat happened to me that day. I was feeling so embarassed . But that mam dint seem to sympathize me even a bit. She was screaming at me even more . Then finally my friend who had finished her dissection came to me dissected the cockroach in front of me .I dint even touch that creature once. All i did was called the mam to show the dissected cockraoch in front of me which my friend had done. Then finally that mam signed my journal and the first time in my life i ran away so badly out of my college.

It was the worst and most embarassing day of my life. When i told this to my friends outside they burst out laughing and i hated them at that time. But now when i think of that incident i also start laughing and i still cant believe that a dead cockroach made me cry.

This is one disastrous incident that has happened to me and i will never be able to forget this incident all through my life.:D


  1. Your blog is good and expressive !!!!It was really humorous

  2. thu.. y shld u fear and look out for somethin to hapn.. u shld hav cut the coll or scholl tat day.. tat's it.. u shld hav bunk that day...

  3. i don't feel it is a funny was a just chance to come over d fear and everyone has to face it in next time face it bravely and i know u can do it.

  4. i don't feel it was an funny was a just a chance 2 come over ur fear.fear has 2 b face by everyone and next time if u get chance face it bravely,and i know u will do it

  5. nice blog... funnily written n I still can't imagine you crying in college... and the ma'am has to be some nirday lady to not sympathize even after you cried... so u still fear Cockroaches???

  6. Heyy janani....that was pretty funny!! :D Good work!!...well i really wish to see ur reaction to cockroaches in real life!!...keep waiting for the surprise!!.. :D ... :))))...

  7. hey i do remember dis day ....was rlly funny yaar...i do remember how badly u cried dat day....i knw u ver scared dat day whr as i was pretty excited 2 do d same n so i also helped u cut d cockroaches!!hehehe...i loved it i rlly feel sad 4 u since i knw how sad u were on d whole incident...

  8. Hey so u scared of roaches ha... hmm keep waitin for the surprisessssss.
